This is NOT a chat board.
Since this site is moderated for young kids, we need to read every single page. So please keep conversations to a minimum. The moderators thank you.
If you want to chat with other Tale users, one good place is:
Since we moderate for young kids, please do not post email addresses or website URLs here, because we don't want to have to get young kids' parents' permission before they can use the site, and we can't check URLs for content.
------- "Hm, I think I shoulda hung a left near Albequerque. It took me a while, but I'm back. "I've straightened up a bit, and invested in the latest of robot technology. "This time, I mean it when I say the pages will be automatically moved from 'test pages' to 'old pages' once a month."
This Tale really isn't a tale at all. It is for test posts. If you are
unsure of how to add "paths" or other aspects of
using The Neverending Tale feel free to experiment here.
Just choose "test pages" below.
Daniel steps out of the monitor holding a map.