"Just a few minutes more mommy..." Vincent mummbles. You
growl in frustration as there comes a knock at the door.
"Are you awake in there?" you recognises the inn Keepers
voice. You become even more frantic as you shake Vincent.
"What... Huh?" Vincent says as he comes back to the land of
the living. You hush him as you hear the door nob straining to open.
"Worlack is paying the inn Keeper to kill us!" you wisper in
a frantic tone.
"I'll kill the nave!" Vincent says as he marches to the
door. You pull him quickly back.
"We can't go against them now! Get your stuff now and let's find
away out of here!" You and Vincent quickly grab you things (and
Vincent gets back in his armor) and meet at the window. You open the
window and Vincent wistles for his horse. Luckily the horse obeys and
moves her self under the window. You drop first on to the horse's
back. You gladly suprised that you are not hurt. Now it is Vincent's
turn. He hops down, but the horse moves and he comes back end to the
ground. You wince as Vincent crys in pain. You help the old knight on
the horse.
"Stupid horse!" Vincent growels angrily as you get on the
horse. The horse gives a loud snort and is off very quickly into the
knight. You grip tightly on to Vincent as you ride off into the night.
But as you get farther and father off into the country, you can feel
your self lose you grip, until you feel your self let go completly and
you fall off into space. You again... have a
You rush up the stairs and back to your room. You lock the door. You
rush to Vincent and quickly try to wake him. "Vincent!