You look down at Barbara and Dave, who are lying mangled on the floor
and feel disguisted with your snakish self- this is the third time
that this has happened in eight days ! You decide that enough is
enough and that you will have to put a stop to your evil and
disguisting habit of eating your friends and family... you have
already devoured sixteen members of your class, three
grandparents,three siblings and your stepmother ! (Not to mention
twelve rabbits , seventeen hamsters , two-hundred and nine sparrows
and old mrs Roger's toy poodle, Benjy. ) Your hand reaches out for the
brass door handle and sweating slightly you enter the old castle.
'Hello' you yell. There is no answer. You repeat your call several
times, but still no one calls back. 'Sorry to bother you, ' you call
'erm,I'll be going then .' You mutter, you turn for the door and grasp
the cold handle . You jump as a hand clasps your shoulder , ' No need
to go quite yet is there? ' says a soft voice in your ear . What
should you do ?