Yeah, things really got weird then.
Out of a closet jumped Bob Dole and Bill clinton, both dressed as
bananas. Margaret Thatcher ate an apple only dressed in a tie and some
socks, Africa went wher US is and Us went where Africa was, and then
Mahatma Gandhi started to sing "She'll be coming round the
mountain" and Saddam Hussein killed some ducks and then he bite
some spiders in their necks, although he licked out the blood coming
from the poor animals. John F. Kennedy danced samba with Marylin
Monreoe who told bad jokes, meanwhile, a cow voted on Bob Dole, but it
was only a trick, 'cause when Bob Dole became happy, a goat stole his
wife and the two of them moved to Cuba and lived happily ever after.
Do you know what happened next?