The three of you go back and call the police. The police come and get
him out. Al of you were walking down the drive way and then you here a
lauph [ha ha ha ha]. for the rest of the your lives you would never go
near that place agian.You would fell sorro.
You and Dave deceide to follow her you get to the end of the drive
way. You see Barbra's bike by the woods nearthe castle. You and Dave
deceide to go into the woods. You hear a low hissing sound and then a
scream. You and Dave run towards the scream. You and Dave come to a
rock and deceide to split up. You take the right and Dave takes the
left. You are walking along and Barbra jumps out and scares you. You
and Barbra you hear a thump and then silence. You are walking along
when you come to a cliff.At the bottom is a body. It is Daves. You run
al the way back home. You go to Daves house and tell his mom.