"I...I..." You don't know what to say. A look of confusion
flashes across the girl's face.
"Ther, what's wrong? What's the matter? Don't you know
me?" You shake your head. "It's me, Twilanacht! You
really don't remember?" Again you shake your head. The lovely
girl before you begins to weep.
You whirl around quickly, prepared for the worst. You needn't have
worried. Behind you is another elf girl. She looks at you in dumb
disbelief, her luminous eyes opened wide. She is dressed in soft
doeskin that clings to her athletic body as though it is wet.
Suddenly, the girl gives a cry of you and launches herself at you.
"Therebim!" she cries as she hugs you tightly. "You're
all right!" She pulls away slightly, tears of joy streaming down
her smiling face.