"Hello. My name is prof. Xavier. I own and direct Prof. Xaviers
School for the Gifted. It is for mutants, like you, David, and
Barbara. If you wish to except my invatation to my school, I will take
you there. If you wish to decline, I will leave you and you will be in
danger of Toad, Mystique, Sabertooth, and many other of Magnetos
"You mean.. I'me one of them? A mutant? One of those...
"Yes, you are a "freak". You're power is to sprout one
of many things, one of them being wings. Davids power is to turn into
a jelly, allowing him to go into small cracks and disapear suddenly.
Barbara's power is simple: super speed. She can move faster than
sound, or light.
Do you accept or do you decline?"
AS you get up, you feel yourself getting pulled into the air. A man in
a wheelchair comes up.