The Magic of Moodara -- page 110

Stop a fire man and talk.

- [back] - - [Ask him about the forest.] - - [Ask about Moodara] - - ["What are you fire people like?"] - - [Ask about Prince Moodara] - - [Where Am I?] - - [kiss fireman] - - [Ask how to become a fireman] - - ["How do I get home?"] - - [play barbies and have a sleep] - - [stop fireman with water] - - [stopping the fireman from making a big mistake] - - [Are cows the best animals on Old McDonald's farm?] - - [:)] - - [Ask 'im 'ow ya got 'ere] - - [you say: will you join me.] - - [meaning:life the universe and everything] - - [give the fireman a blowjob] - - [you fart] - - [ask if he knows brad pitt] - - [run away!!!] - - [You take out your cell phone] - - [PICK ME! brown sky PICK ME!] - - [Kick him and ask about the kick] -

Created by Siobhan Fitzpatrick on Oct 29 1996

[Neverending Tale] -- [The Stacks] -- [Instructions]

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