"Who are you?" you ask.
"I am white Jedi Master Ana Lin. Who are you?" she asks.
"I am (your name). And this is my companion, Obi Wan
Kenobi." he bows.
"Pleased to meet you, (your name) and Obi Wan Kenobi." she
"Why were you suspended in that glass cage?" Obi Wan asks.
"Darth Raconi has found out how to cheat death," she pauses.
"He has to drink the blood of two Jedi every hundred years: a
Jedi Master and a Padawan. This time, he has chosen me and my Padawan,
Harra An." she says.
"Is there some pattern in which he choses Jedi?" you ask.
"Yes," she pauses. "He choses relatives. I am one of
his many daughters." your mouth gapes.
"You have got to be kidding!" you exclaim.
"Yes, it's true. He draws the blood of relatives because he
gaines more power. And if you had come any later, my Padawan and I
would have been dead and he would have been impossilbe to stop."
"Why?" Obi Wan asks.
The Jedi stands up and stretches. "Where's my light saber?"
she looks around. "There it is!" she uses the Force to lift
her light saber and it flies into her hand. She activates it; a white
beam pulsates from it.