"Well, boy, do you remember anything?" he asks
You think hard. Then you do remember something.
"I'm not a boy, I'm a girl with short hair!" You start
"I....I don't think I'm human. I remember walking, then hearing
something that made me frightened, and then running. Do you know
anything? About me, that is"
He takes a closer look at you, and puts some of your wet hair behind
your right ear. Then he lets out a small gasp.
"You are an elf!"
"So? What does that have to do with anything?"
He takes a deep breath and then says "You are an elf. Not just
any elf, but a magic user. I can tell by your necklace." he says
pointing at the crystal "The elves have been enslaved by the
Federation, on the other side of the mountain. We humans have had an
uneasy truce with them, because the elves were our allies, our
friends." he takes a deep breath and continues his story
"Some humans have formed a co-ellition against the Alliance, and
they are gaining power, but the Alliance hasen't been bothered by them
yet. If you went to them, there would be an all out war."
"But why?" you ask, amazed
"Because of the way you have been treated. More would join, and
there would be war. It could go either way from there."
You stare in silence. Your shoulder-length auborn hair shimmers in
the faint sunlight and your green eyes are blazing. You know what to
do next....
You wake up the next morning and the old man shows you to a shower.
You shower and dress. Then you go down to breakfast.