"You hurt my ear, you know" said Dave, sarcastically.
"And there wasn't even anything in there!"
"I wasn't screaming about that!" yelled Barbra, "I was
screaming about that!" as she pointed farther into the room, into
the darkness.
"About what?" Dave asked, but then he screamed.
"You know, guys this is completely pointless," you say
because you don't even know what they're screaming at.
But then you almost scream too. Actully, you almost freeze to death
and gasp when you see a shadow moving in the darkness about where
Barbra was pointing her finger. And then you hear a loud
"BANG!!!!!!!!" and then something that sounds like glass
shatters onto the floor. You all scream and jump when you hear the
But you want to go into further ivestigation into finding out who this
"someone or something" is and why is he in this house?
Later that night you go to the haunted house. You slowly creep up the
cracked and cripled stone steps. You slowly, being very careful, open
the screechy door.
What you see makes you feel as if you just hit a brick wall driving a
car going 200 mph. Only the impact hit with fear.
You needed to run. As fast as you can. You wanted to run to the other
side of the world. Anything just to get away from what you saw that
very night. But you were so frightned not a very sound came out of the
mouth that wanted to scream. And not a muscle twitched that wanted to
run so badly. You saw...
As you're about to look into the coffin, Barbra screams. But you see
absolutely nothing!