You look around helplessly for something to use, but there is nothing.
Only a few mixing bowls and other knick knacks. You give another sound
of frustration and sit Indian-style on the floor next to Obi Wan. You
look down at your white Jedi clothing and sigh.
"Well, beggars can't be choosers I guess," you say and start
ripping of strips of cloth from your gown. You lay them on your knee
and feel for your herb packet.
"Argh, they took that too," you say out loud. An idea pops
into your head. Master Qui Gon Jinn always advised the class to carry
an extra herb healing packet hidden in your robes. You are probably
one of the only ones who did it. Hopefully the "healers"
didn't take that too. You reach into the special pocket in your gown
and pull out the small bag. You squeal with happiness.
"The first thing that's gone right today," you mutter as you
pull out the contents of the herb packet.
"Oh, well. I can bandage it better if he's unconcious
anyway," you mutter to yourself. "Though Obi Wan was always
the better healer."