Setting you down again he rests his hands on your shoulders,
"Kaylia, you've been gone so long...I'm so glad you've come back
to us. Come, I'm sure your parents would like to see you."
Tossing a sunny smile at you he starts back the way he came.
You watch him go, bewildered. Where are you and who is Kaylia? You
look around hoping for answers. For the first time you see the
glowing door behind you. An amethyst glow obscurs what ever lies
beyond the portal. You trade glances between the retreating back of
the young man and the portal chewing your lip
Approaching you is a young man. His golden hair limed in the silvery
glow of moon and stars. When he spots you his cat green eyes light up
and he quickly closes the distance between you and swings you up in
his arms.