After a while the castle starts looking more modern. Instead of a
Duke's castle, it looks more like a 19th-century rich family's house.
You pass a ghost butlar.
Then you come to an elegant dining room where four adults are sitting
down to eat. You notice that they are ghosts too. They don't pay
attention to you because their meal is so good.
You pass through the dining room and come to another hallway. There
are several ghost cooks and butlars passing by. But soon there are
less, and then none, of those.
After another while of walking alone, the place is looking more like a
fancy apartment building or hotel. It seems you are traveling through
time. Weird. Then you think of something. What happens when you get to
the "future" section? Does the building disappear, or do you
see a furtastic version? And where are Dave and Barbara,
You keep walking, ignoring the door. You notice that you are seeing
less and less servants. Pretty soon you are walking alone.