"Yoouu aaree thee fiirst liiviing creeaatuuree too eenteer thiis
plaacee iin aan eeteerniity, aand II aam soo huungry froom waiiting...
Yoouu muust uunderstand, II doo noot eeaat yoouu oouut oof cruueelty,
buut oouut oof neeceesiity..." The snail moves toward you at a
speed much greater than the proverbial snail's pace. There is nowhere
to run, but you look around for an escape. The smaller snails around
you have climbed upon each other to make a solid wall. You pound on
it, but it does not give. The Lord of the Snails catches up to you.
You try to run around it, but its slimy underside covers your foot,
tripping you. It slowly slides over the rest of you. Looking back, you
see an aperture open in the snail's underside. This opening slurps up
one of your feet and continues upward over your ankle. You kick your
other foot into the opening, but only mire it in slime and cannot pull
it back out. You wriggle and struggle, feeling it slowly ingest your
knees, then your thighs, until it reaches up to your hips. Slowly,
those too are sucked in. You cry out, "Stop! Please, don't eat
me! What have I ever done to you?" It replies, "Whaat haas
thee piig oor thee coow eeveer doone too yoouu? Yeet yoouu eeaat
theeiir fleesh aall tooo reeaadiily. Aas yoouu woouuld suureely eeaat
oonee oof my peeooplee wheen coonsuumeed by huungeer, II eeaat yoouu
beecaauusee II haavee noo aalteernaatiivee." It has now enveloped
your stomach and half your rib cage. The snail then sucks up the rest
of your body, and you are swallowed. You recall one day long ago, when
Barbara dared you to eat a snail, and you did. Later you wondered how
the snail felt inside of you; now you are finding out. You choke from
air loss and black out. You are now merely a bulge in a snail's