You walk with Barbara to the castle. Her stomach is enormous, but not
as big as it was right after she ate Dave. She burps loudly, and you
snicker. "That sure showed Dave, didn't it?" you ask.
"Yeah," she replied, "he had it coming... And I was
hungry anyway, and I had to pay him back. This was an ideal
solution." You say, "How did you do that? I've never seen
you or Dave swallow anybody whole before." She looks thoughtful.
"I don't really know. I think that this castle awakened the power
in us." You look at her belly again. "So are you planning to
let him back out pretty soon?" you ask. She looks at you as if
you are somewhat silly. "Let him out? I've been digesting him for
quite a while. The only way he'll be getting out is through the back
door." You think about this for a moment before it penetrates.
"What! You mean you-" "Yep, he's definately reduced to
a big, messy brown pile by now." "But it's only been a few
minutes! Digestion takes days!" She thinks for a moment.
"Well, not anymore, I guess. Just one of the benefits of this
power. Anyway, Dave's kinda weighing me down. I gotta go, uh, 'let him
out' like you asked a bit earlier. Hold on." She walks off toward
a bush nearby, and you see that most of Dave has been transferred to
her abdomen. You look at her again, and blink in surprise. You never
realized how truly delicious she looked...