You feel your stomach suddenly jumping into action quicker than it
ever has before. In under a second after you swallowed Barbara, your
stomach had begun producing acids and contacting in anticipation. As
Barbara entered it, your stomach got right to work. The contraction
squished her into a digestible mass, and the acids and enzymes began
work right away. In five more seconds, Barbara had been reduced to her
component parts and shuffled into your intestines. She practically
flew through these tubes, the villi siphoning off all the useful
nutrients in two more seconds. After three more, the wastes were
stored and ready to be released. You walked over to the bush Barbara
had just vacated, and 'let her out' on top of Dave.
You walked away and sat down, satisfied. She had been absolutely
delicious. Thoughts chased themselves through your head: Should you go
on a rampage, eating everyone? Shold you go home and start with your
family? Should you wait until school tomorrow, and get back at certain
teachers and bullies? Ahhh, the possibilities.
So, what now?