After the funeral, you go vist Debby. Kim runs up to you.
"Overdose...sleeping," she maneged to say
between pants. " ...ER." Debby took an
overdose of sleeping pills and downed a bottle of vodka. Frederic
Malosic, a suspect, was with her and phoned the ER. You rush to the
apatment. You instruct Fred to make a mixture that would make Debby
throw up. You give to her. Then the ER came and took her to the
hospital. "Take this. She handed it to me," Kim said. It was
Debby's will.
2 names stick out. "Who's the Leslie with no last name?" you
ask. "Her cat, he works at the hospital to cheer people."
One line of will said I get E Publus Unum. "What's that,"
you ask and point at it. "A hollow book," Khonings said.
"The kind you store stuff in." She got it off the
bookshelve. In it is a tape. Confessions of Dr. Tim F. it read.
You play it. 5 minutes later the crucial momement came. "The
fiend who I helped in the crimes was..." There was three minutes
of silence. Then it came in a middle of a cry. The criminal erased the
The next day, you visit the forensics department of the PD. Dr. A.
Nix, another friend filled you in. "The blood was from the lemon
shark,the bullet matches the gun,no prints were on it. and Gorge
Miller, the witness, said the figure and picture match." The
robbery turned into murder.