You walk out side with Kim and soon find after long hard searching for
clues a letter. You read it out aloud and it says:
"A place to swing and saw,
To slide and climb for ever more.
To be as free as a child,
And ponder life for a while."
"What does that mean?" said Kim. I don't know. You sit down
for a while trying to understand what it means. THATS IT!! You say.
The riddle means that there is another place where another letter is,
we just have to work out where."The park" said Kim. No we
can't go to the park "no i don't mean it like that, the place is
the park" Your right. Lets go.
After many minutes you finally find the second letter. You open it and
it says.
"Look behind you and this person has something to tell you"
You look behind and it is Sasha. APRIL FOOLS!!!!! What are you talking
about we're in the middle of a case." You don't understand"
said Sasha." I am the criminal" WHAT! So you have the
diamond."Yes and Frederic Malosic and Fred were only faking
dead." Where did you get the knife."oh we got that at a shop
in the shopping centre and put tomato sauce around it." APRIL
"Who could have written this?" said Kim.Look they have
stolen the diamond that Frederic Malosic always wore around his neck!
Obviously none of the suspects is the criminal because they are all
too startled to speak. Kim you didn't touch the typewriter keys?
"No only the paper" You go and get some of mum's powder so
we can copy the finger prints."But how are we going to trace the
criminal?" We'll go to the police and run over peoples
files."Please lets be realistic here, the policemen will just
tell us to go home and think we are just making it up." You're
right Kim. Come on we'll go and find some clues.