You walk deeper into the forest. Strange sounds bellowed into the
night's crisp air. You feel the eyes of the dogwoods upon you. You
decide to take larger strides. Walking further and further into the
forest you discover a bright object hiding behind a dogwood. You come
closer only to see it was a hot dog.
By then deep thoughts entered your brain. Does any living being kind
inhabit this strange land? If there was, did they see the incident?
Were the dogwoods looking at you at that time?
What about that little brown creature in the robe, who dileberity took
your swiss army knife away from you? Or what about the hot dog, silly
to say? Or is is this a wacko dream?
You cross the stream that you just thrown up at. You feel weak
and afraid. Don't worry, you thought to yourself. This is not planet
earth your relieved to say.