The birdlike monster burps, and pats its now swollen belly. The
lion-sized monster, however, glares at the other, and the avian
monster lowers its head like a child caught raiding the cookie jar.
Surprising you, the leonine monster now speaks. "Aeonora, you
know that you aren't supposed to eat the humans that enter here! Give
him back, now!" Aeonora starts to cry softly. "But I was so
hungry... I never get to eat in here, and nobody ever brings me
food... Do I have to give him back?" The other seems to be swayed
by Aeonora's tear-filled eyes. It seems to relent. "Well, I
suppose you can ask the other humans. If they agree, you can digest
him... but if they want him back, you have to return him."
Aeonora turns and looks at you. "Can I?" he says, eagerness
in his voice... as well as a hint of menace. You get the strong
feeling that if you ask it to 'return' Dave, however that works, it
might just eat you two as well... Unless the other monster can stop
it. But if you tell Aeonora that he can "keep" Dave, he'll
probably let you two live. Barbara looks at you. What are you going to