"On one sad day, he sent one of our scientists a letter saying
he'd get revenge, and he did. That letter had anthrax in it. None of
the scientists survived, including another man. Bin Laden then came
in and tried to take over the lab, taking control of all of the
clones. This did not work right away. All of the clones told him
they would only obey "Allah." What he didn't realize was, a
clone can only obey one who first tells the clone it is his master.
The last man alive shouted about the lab before he was about to die,
telling the clones to only obey him. He died just as telling them his
name, "Allen, Tim." Yeah, the Home Improvement guy. He was
just passing by that day because he was in with many government
opperations, and wouldn't you know he gets the rax. It's too bad he
just died while saying his name, "Alllllahhhhhhhhh......"
If only he'd say his first name first like a normal person, then maybe
we'd all have a chance. So eventually, Bin Laden convinced the clones
that he was sent by this Allah, and they still obey him to this day.
I can't even say for sure how many clones were in there, but it was
enough to create quite an army. And that is what he made them into,
fueled by his hatred for america.
"Sadly, yes. It's all a cover-up. Many years ago before we
started cloning there, people treated Bin Laden like the dirt he is.
He somehow found one of our top-secret cloning labs in Saudi Arabia.
He had been watching our lab for many months, jealous of what we
americans could do with technology."