the eyes on the painting started moving around then a big alien jump
out and grab barbra and daved got scared and raned home and hide
under his bed while barbra was captured and the gost scared brabra so
bad she past out when she awaked she was not harmed and as she tride
to find a way out the house she heard something crawling in the hall
way it was the alien brabra didn't do nothing but stared at him scared
and frightin the alien put his hand on barbras stomack and raned off
then barbra felt a strange feeling in her stomack and she realize why
the alien didn't do nothing to her because see was caring the aliens
baby. barbra couldn't figure out how it happen so fast. barbra fealed
to her knees and cryed.she had no other choice but to kill her self
she found a nife on the dirty floor soon as she stabb her self in the
heart the little baby alien came out and raned away while barbra was
dead on the floor the end