Suddenly the room goes cold, and a breeze ruffles you hair. You look
around for the open window that the breeze could have come through,
but there are none. You also notice that every door in the room is
closed. So where did the fresh air come from?
You jump as something grabs your arm. You turn around, relieved to
discover that it was only Dave, but he looks worried and afraid.
"There's something not quite right here," he says. "Do
you feel it?"
"Yes, let's get out of here." You turn to beckon Barbara to
leave, and find that she is gone.
You're heart is beating faster. Who is that in the shadows? Barbara
starts walking toward him. You try to hold her back, but she seems to
be posessed. You don't know what to do, so you call out, "Who
are you? What do you want?"