You travel down the hallway opening doors. You finally reach the end
of the hallway. There are two doors left. The doors are huge,
different from all the rest and from each other. The first door is
painted black with skulls and cross bone statues pressed into the
door. The second door is painted white with the faces of screaming
children pressed into it.
Which door do you choose?
Do you choose door one or two?
Do you split up and go into seperate doors?
Or do you go back down the hall and search for another way
You hesitantly walk throught the door. "Barbara" for some
reason your afraid to talk loud. "Barbara", you talk a
little louder. But Barbara dosen't acknowledge you. Suddenly Dave
runs into the room. "Barbara let's go it's getting late"
Dave reaches out to grab her arm, but you stop him. "somethings
not right" you tell Dave. "I don't think that's
Barbara". You tell Dave. "Your crazy" Dave tells you.
He reaches out and grabs Barbara's shoulder. As she turns and faces
you, you notice that her face isn't the same. "That isn't
Barbara" Dave yells. Barbara's face has been torn and deminted.
Instead of the young teenage girl, she is a old women with red yes and
wrinkled skin. Where her eyes should be are dark empty circles. She
reaches out to grab you and Dave. But before she can reach you and
Dave your already out the door and running down the hall. You search
for a door to get out of the house but everything has changed. The
doors that you first came in now lead to a different part of the
house. "Now what?" you ask Dave. "Lets just keep
looking for a way out. One of these doors has to lead outside."
Dave tells you. Before you turn to open the door a hand grabs your
shoulder. You turn to see Barbara crying her eyes out and frightened
to death. "What Happened to you?" She can't speak, she is
still in shock. "Come on, we have to find a way out" you
tell her.