Everyone looks confused. "What are you talking about? There's no
such thing! " said Barbara.
"What happened?" you say.
"Well here's how it went:" said Dave. "You, Barbara and
I were going to the baseball diomand. Barbara and I made it there, and
we wondered where you were! So we just played a little softball for 5
hours, but you still didn't show up! So Barbara called 9-1-1 and we
started a search party! We found inside that castle outside of town!
The creepy stuff in the castle was all plastic! The whole thing was
just a big scam to make people scared!"
"But who did it?" you ask.
"The infamous criminals: Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden!
They're being excecuted right now, and we got ten million dollars for
capturing them! Now we're rich and you're safe! The castle is being
made into a funhouse! And we can all go home!
The next thing you know, you are lying on a white mattress, with your
mom, your dad, Dave and Barbara, and several doctors! Your mom hugs
you and says, "Oh honey,we thought we'd lost you!"
You look confused. "Wait! But what about the haunted castle!
And the evil voices! And all those other creepy things!" you say.