"Oh my gosh! David!" you scream and you put your head to his
chest checking for a pulse. Barbra hasn't noticed a thing untill she
turns around, and then she screams. "What did you do?" she
cries with tears in her eyes.
Before you can explain to her what happened, the corpse in the coffin
breaks out and laughs. Without warning, it lunges and Barbara, but you
manage to push her out of the way. You break off a metal rail from the
staircase and smash it to pieces. Both of you panic. "We need to
get David to the hospital NOW!" you cry out to
You don't even need to open it to see what's inside. A bony hand
covered with rotting flesh and rags breaks through the coffin and
grabs David's pudgey neck. David's body is being shaken back and
forward violently untill the hand retreats. David drops to the floor.