Barbara decides to go in, the door is huge, too big to explain!Dave
and you arrive at the entrance. Barbara called out "Come and
check this out guys,lets go in but dave can go first!"
Dave fancys the idea of that so he went charging up to the scary old
door.He peers through a small hole in the door and sees inside an
ancient room.
The picture falls off the wall and a very fearsome cackle comes
present.Dave sprints from the castle and thinks to himself,hmmm I
could be famous.Barbara taps him on the shoulder gently, she
asks" Dave what was all that about?"
Dave replied,"We can make a fortune.
"We can, you're right" you exclaimed.
We all make our way in when you say"I'll go and get some food and
I shall get our coats."
Barbara calls out" Grab some blankets too,please."
"We stay overnight" Dave demanded.
"Well I am going to get the food."