You fall to the floor, gaging. A split second later, when you get off
the floor, you notice everything is quite enormous. You look at your
hands, now tiny paws. Brown fur covers your body! You are a mouse!
So the potion did something. You decide you can reach Barbara as a
mouse by traveling in the walls. You quickly enter a small crack in
the wrecked wall. The walls are rather thin, even for a mouse. You
travel along the wooden beams untill you find two slits near a top
beam in the wall. Your sensitive new mouse ears detect something in
one of the tunnels.
You hear Barbara, and the zombies! She's alive...for now. Even your
new mouse hearing abilities can't tell which tunnel the sounds come
from. You need to do something else, but
You quickly drink down the pink potion to the last drop, then throw
the empty container to the floor. Nothing seems different? You look
around the room, hoping to find the door. No such luck. Maybe it was
just a sip of pink lemonaid, and had no purpose. Soon you find out
your horribly wrong.