You obey the command, and take a large gulp. You suddenly begin to
think. How did Barbara know what to do? Then you gasp. She doesn't
even have a mobile phone. Her parents took it away as a punishment,
and you know she would never steal it back.
A hole burns underneath your feet. You fall through, but instead of
falling deeper into the cellar, you are transported to a new room. It
doesn't have a door, and when you try to break out of the windows, you
find out that they won't budge.
Something catches your attention. There, in the middle of the room, is
a large, golden statue. The man it's modeled off of has a scar on his
left cheek, and is wearing a long cape. He doesn't look too happy. The
plauqe on the podeum reads. Barnaby Joe Williams.
Your eyes widen. Could it not have been Barbara who sent the message,
but Barnaby. There was a death date on the plaque, so if Barnaby did
contact you, he had to be, gulp, dead!
A white light fills the room, and Barbara stands in front of you.
"I am not your friend, Barbara." A man's voice comes from
her mouth. "I am Mr. Williams, the deceased owner of the mansion.
I need to explain to you a few things...
You get another text message.