The possessed Barbara replies. "Well, I certainly couldn't take over you, you're the one I need to talk to. I could have used David, but he's a zombie." He, I mean she, raises one eyebrow. "Oh, about the zombies. They are my doing. I practiced potions in the wine cellar you were in. It accidently brought the dead back to life as rotting zombies! Before I could prevent the zombies from turning others into flesh-eating, I was killed. You're the only one who can help. I could enter made-up places with my potions, so I dragged you here."
You stare at him in disbeleif. "You've been in Barbara's body longer, haven't you, Mr. Williams."
He nods his head. "To be honest, I took over Barbara a week ago. I made her take her cell phone back, so I could somehow help you. I used her attractive body to lure you into the house, which to be honest, isn't so bad. Anyways, you're the only one who can help me. You know your father was a scientist, right?"
You cringe at how he actually LIKED being in Barbara's body. Then again, the plan worked. You nod your head, showing you know what Barnaby Joe Williams is talking about.
"Well, it's quite complicated, but the formula for stopping the Re-Animation Potion is inside your brain. You won't understand until later. We need to get to work." The ghost in Barbara explains. "You must come with me."
You nod. "First, can you get out of my friend's body?" He does so, and out of Barbara's body, he looks like a see-through copy of the statue. Barbara's body falls to the floor.
Another hole opens up, and you, the spirit, and Barbara, are sucked inside it.