Suddenly they all start screaming stuff about them being the real
Barbara and the other are fakes.Its so loud you can't hear yourself
QUIET!!yells Dave!The room becomes quiet.Dave points at one of the
Barbaras in the front row.You!Tell me whats going on.Well,I walked
into the mansion and suddenly all these people who look like me
appear!The Barbara in the front row starts hugging your legs.Please
Dave!You've got to believe me!I'm the real Barbara!Tears come out of
her eyes.
Oh Come on!You acually believe that?!Yells another Barbara in the semi
middle row.C'mon Dave!You know thats not how I act at all!This!The way
i'm talking is my additude!How much more proof do you need?!All the
Barbaras starts talking and claiming they are the real Barbaras(except
the one in the coffin)and that the Barbaras are fakes.Now what?You
whisper to Dave.