Dave recollects himself. "Probably some optical illusion."
he mutters.
"What about Shine Aqua Illusion?"
"ACK!" you choke on your scream. Dave looks a bit pale.
A girl pokes her head down the staircase. She has seaweed-green hair
and eyes, and her skin is tinted lavender. "You watch Pretty
Soldier Sailor Moon too?"
"What?" you arch your eyebrow.
"Well, the Japanese version, of course, not the terrible awful
North American dub. Sorry," she apoligizes,"I thought you
were talking about Sailor Mercury\Mizuno Ami. Oh well. Are you
"We're... we're looking for our friend." Dave says.
"You mean that girl who ran through that hallway you're in just
now? Screeching blue murder?"
"You saw her?!?" you exclaim. "Where? When?"
She grins, exposing sharp, pointy teeth...
A staircase. A simple staircase, but what stops you and Dave in your
tracks is that the staircase is leading UP into the ceiling!