You decide to go after the Victory Star destroyer. "We'll try
to evade the snubs, and fight off the Vic," you call over the
comm unit,"Link your torpedoes to me after you get through the
fighter screen."
You evade the Tie's, and then start to speed up to get to the
Destroyer quickly. You recieve confirmation thet all three X-wings
are standing by and linked. Your astromech whistles after it has a
firing solution at the bridge. You launch two torpedoes at the same
time. You see the other fighters do the same. The proton torpedoes
detonate as they impact the bridge shield. The attack does not
penetrate the shield. You launch another volley of torpedoes, to the
same result. You hesitate as you launch the third. You won't have
any more torpedoes after this. Finally, you decide to launch. But
one X-wing is slow in firing. That is what saves you. Six torpedoes
hit the shield and collapse it. The others go through the shield and
impact the bridge. Fires erupt all over the ship. Then, it broke in
half. The screen goes blank, and the sim opens. Wedge stands beside
it. "Well,"he says,"it looks like you're rogue
material after all. Do you want to fly now, of run other sims to
increase you're position?"