At last you can finally become a poke'mon trainer and leave your home
and go far away from your Grandpa Stinky and his annoying parrot
Polly. As you, approach the Poke'mon Center you suddenly feel a rush
of joy and run the rest of the way.
Doc, the poke'mon expert of Vermillion City, opens the door to
the center and welcomes you. "Welcome, youngster, are you here to
claim a poke'mon" he asks. "Yes" you yell happily.
"Well I have three poke'mon here for you to choose from" he
says " Charmander the fire lizard poke'mon, Bulbasaur the seed
poke'mon, or Squirtle the tiny turtle poke'mon, chose wisely!"
Then he hands you several poke'balls and a poke'dex. Which poke'mon do
you want?