You enter to see the giant whose name is Lt. Serge. His bulging
muscles, towering height tells you he means business. You challge him
and he sends out his Raichu and you send out Charmander.
"Raichu thunder shock" Serge thunders. "Charmander
flamethrower" you say trying to sound like Serge.
The thunder shock zips at Charmander and hits him but, Charmander
managed to withstand it. Then super hot flames fly out of Charmander's
mouth frying not only Raichu but, Serge as well. Raichu gets back up
and Serge pour water on him self while yelling "Raichu quick
attack". You tell Charmander to dodge it then use rage. Raichu
starts running extremly fast and charges but, misses Charmander by a
millimeter then crashes into a chair. Charmander jumps toward Raichu
and gives him a couple scars with his slash, Raichu is out like an
electric light.
You win and Lt. Serge gives you a large amount of money and a Thunder
Badge. As you he says "Your a great poke'mon trainer". Then
you leave to catch some wild poke'mon.
You decide to head to the Vermillion City Gym and take on the Gym
Leader, Lt. Serge. As you get closer, you see that the gym is really