You let out a shreik! As you turn to run you see the object of what
you thought was the hand of the old woman. It turned out to be her
head but it wasnt floating it was just hanging from a rope tied to the
top of the cieling. You turn and no longer see your friends behind you
nor the head. You see a light and run towards it what you thought
would be a door or window turns out to be a ghost. You run the other
way you hear a niose in the room next to you thinking it would be Dave
or Barbara it was the closet in that room opening and closing it is
too late now to leave the room as the door slams shut behind you. You
look in the closet and there is Dave's dead body hanging next to the
old woman's head you turn to run but stumble over yourself you hear a
vioce saying, "well what do we have hear?"