after you saw the cobra and killed it you wanted to see who was the
bravest outta all of us. so you decided to stay the night and see who
got to scared to stay and leave. later on that night you heard this
voice calling your name so you got your things and ran home cryin. an
hour later your friend started seeing dead people and tried to go to
sleep but they attacked her and sent her home screaming. your the only
one left in that spooky house and your to scared to go to sleep so you
saw this big shadowy figure behind you and they scared you so bad that
you wet your pants and then the shadowy figure started laughing and
you stood there puzzled and you came to find out it was your friend
who set this whole idea up. so all of your friends came back laughing
and yall odered pizza and told scary stories and just before yall were
going to bed you seen another ghost. you told your friends to cut it
out but they said it wasnt them so everyone looked at each other
screamed ghost and ran home.