You go up the stairs but you get lost on the way because lerch's
directions confused you. So you wander off to a forbidden part of the
castle. You all scream "AHHHHH", at the sight of 2 gigantic
statues of devil people with horns. You guys all scurry to find the
place where you should be, but you wander off to another forbidden
part, but this time you're not so lucky. Standing 8 feet tall, you
see a huge beast with red eyes, he looks at you and snarls, then he
calls for lerch. Lerch goes up to meet the beast and the beast eats
lerch, next he's on to marlinka. He can smell her fear, and you go
chasing after the beast to warn marlinka of the danger coming to her,
but you get there to late, shes already gone.