"You will never escape," she yells with an evil laugh.
"You never should have followed me into the castle, I was going
to prepare to steal the souls of more innocent victims, for i am a
DEMON HUNTER, but I couldn't let you see me heading into the
She continues on with this almost neverending excuse, but then you
spot a baseball bat on the ground next to you. In a flash, you grab
the bat and swing it at Barbara as hard as you
You see Dave's body fall to the floor with a jolt. Blood begins to
pour out of the side of his neck, and scream in horror. What's even
more amazing is that you see Barbara standing above him with a knife.
She seemed to have grabbed it from a tray of surgical tools next to
you. You scramble out of the bathtub and head to the door, but
Barbara gets there first.