"How dare you attempt such a sacrilige!? You are not one of the
Chosen. Only They may give you the honor of drinking from the
Fountain. We do not know you stranger, so we will assume that you were
unaware of the evil that you just attempted, but be warned. Never
again try to drink without first recieving the blessing of the
The creatures block your path to the fountain. You know that if you
are to make any sense of what has happened to you, you must be able to
drink some of the liquid from the fountain. That leaves you with a few
options; you could fight your way through the creatures to the edge of
the fountain and drink it right now, you could wait until later when
all the creatures are asleep, or maybe you could go in search of the
Before your lips touch the liquid, you are pulled back by two of the
creatures. Startled, you look at them wondering what is the matter.