"Geodude tackle" Brock says, "Meowth pay day" you
yell. Geodude charges and Meowth out of nowhere grabs some money and
throws it at Geodude and jumps away. The money hits Geodude and he
starts spining in mid-air, he stops and is confused. "Meowth fury
swipes" you say and Meowth attacks but, misses because Geodude
crashes into a wall and collapes.
"Onix go" Brock yells and you take back Meowth and send out
Squirtle. "Squirtle hydro pump" you say and Brock tells Onix
to do rock throw but Onix miss and gets hit full force by the hydro
pump and Onix faints. You get a lot of money the Boulder Badge.
"You are a great trainer" Brock says as you leave. Now where
You enter the gym and see Brock standing at the far end. You challage
him and he sends out Geodude and you send out Meowth.