Dark Jedi was me. As was/is Darker Jedi. Also, Evil Shade, being my
comic relief villain-who-annoys-the-hero personality, appeared when I
needed someone to drop down a plot hole every once in a while.
Shade Knight replaced my earlier screen-name, Jedi Master, when I
decided that I was more of a demon hunter than a jedi. Dark/Darker
Jedi (Darker Jedi was Dark Jedi's more evil clone(DON'T ASK!) were
both rivals of Shade Knight, and they were both defeated. then Dark
Jedi became a secondary hero personality and soon afterward, left.
That was when My current name, Shade, was first used and the rest is
rather obvious. Now watch as Evil Shade falls down a plot hole!
*Evil Shade falls down a plot hole and lands with a satisfying crunch*
Ahhhh. If you don't think that's the least bit funny, then you must be
not crazy.
I figure I ought to clear up a few things...