the monsters advance further you shudder as a ghosts ice cold palm
rests on your shoulder you mutter"uhuhuhuhuhuh......hi?" the
ghost says in a raspy voice"bye" but as it is about to kill
you the door handle shakes wildly and you hear a howl, you look over
your shoulder, the ghost looks aswell, just as it starts to open the
door is smashed to splinters and a werewolf fly's through adn attacks
while in mid air, dave's body flys through the window with a spray of
scarlet blood follows.
it turns and looks at you and barbara it thows it's hand out for
barbara's throat, it gets her adn lifts her of the ground and at that
moment barbara mutters "bye" the werewolf crushes her neck
and throws her corpse at the wall now it looks at you with a murderous
glint in it's eye it jumps for you it grabs you by the arms and lifts
you off the ground with little effort it opens it's mouth and you see
rows of sharp teeth and it bites your neck and kills you then drops
your lifeless body to the ground