You squint your eyes at the throbbing in your head. "The way I
feel, I think I'd rather be dead." You peer at the figure above
you, unsure if it is a man or a woman. "Who are you?" you
"I am Shoana, healer of the light," the gravelly voice
proclaims. The bent form seems to straighten briefly, as if proud of
its title. "Genned brought you to me because he feared that the
dark ones would follow your trail of blood."
"Where am I, and who are the 'Dark Ones'?" You ask, still
unsure you aren't just having a very bad dream.
"Genned opened a hyper-path to my cave so I could heal you, but
it is only temporary. Once you are able to continue, you must return
to the reality outside that door." Shoana points toward a
doorway across from the fire. It ripples and glitters eerily in the
firelight, as if it will disappear if you look directly at it.
"The Dark Ones," the voice continues, reminding you of rocks
dragging across metal, "are the vile men responsible for the way
you feel right now. They were sent by the Dark Lord to prevent you
from completing your mission, and they very nearly succeeded."
The gray eyes widened in triumph. "But not quite, thanks to me!
You must be thirsty now, and hungry too, yes?"
At the thought of food your stomach growls. "Yes, please."
As the figure brings food and drink in crude carved vessels, you have
more questions.
When you open your eyes you are lying on a soft bed covered by some
kind of animal fur. You try to sit up, but your head spins, and a
small hunched figure jumps up from a stool near a fire across the room
and shuffles over, tittering.
"You must lie still, or you will tear the stitches!" the
voice grates. "You very nearly died, young man!"