You blink in the sudden brightness of the sunlit day, and turn around
in wonder, then look at the guitar in your hands.
"Don't ask me how it works," Genned strums, "I don't
understand it myself. I don't even control it, really. The master
decides where we will go next. I just obey."
At the top of the rise is a small but elegant looking dwelling,
resembling a tent, but the walls appear solid. Below you the plain
gives way to a large lake. On the shore of the lake is a village,
with boats docked lakeside.
"Come," sings Genned, "Let us go up to the Answerer,
the Knowing One, and he will explain your
You step toward the door, expecting to bump into it, but instead you
keep moving, and feel as if you've just fallen into a cool pool.
Colors swirl around you; pink, blue, green, gold, then an explosion of
light... and suddenly you are standing in a field of grass on a gently
sloping plain.