Entry 1- May 15, 1909
What joy! I get to travel to the castle to visit Vicky! I know she
is hard at work recording her record. Who'd of thought that little
Victoria Robinson would make a professional singer? It shouldn't come
as a suprise. She sings like an angel! It's a pity Aunt Clara pushes
her so hard. It's really not necessary. Well, I'd better get to bed!
Tomorrow is traveling day.
Entry 2- May 17, 1909
Vicky is cheery enough, but she seems tired. No wonder. Aunt Clara
keeps after her to memorize her music! She seems cold to me, as does
this big castle. It seems she only cares about Vicky for her voice
and the money it will bring in. She didn't say so, but Vicky told me
money isn't what it once was since Uncle Albie died. The insurance
company appearantly has questions about his death. He was a lovely
man! What a pity to be taken in such a way! I suppose with the light
out, he just couldn't see to make his way to the cellar. I miss him.
Entry 3- May 23, 1909
The record is finished, and Vicky seems relieved. I feel Aunt Clara
pressured her too much. We'll go swimming tomorrow at the creek to
celebrate. We could use some time to unwind.
Entry 4- May 29, 1909
Tomorrow I leave. I'm glad of it, too. Aunt Clara is never satisfied
with Vicky's work. Upon hearing the record, she broke it over her
knee in anger and began yelling at Vicky telling her she was
worthless! How can she say such things? Vicky sings better than
anyone I've ever heard! I'm afraid Aunt Clara may be going crazy!
Vicky said she hears her apologizing to Uncle Albie at night in her
room. Apologizing to a dead man! I wonder what she's apologizing
Entry 5- June 5, 1909
She's gone! I've never been so sad in my life! I just saw her a few
days ago. Aunt Clara said she found Vicky at the bottom of the main
staircase with a broken neck. Peculiar... Maybe Aunt Clara is crazier
than I thought. I'll go next week for the funeral. I suppose I
should investigate things a bit further, too. Surely Aunt Clara's not
a murderer!
Entry 6- June 12, 1909
She IS crazy! Aunt Clara put me in Vicky's old room, less than a
month after her death! I've heard her at night....now she apologizes
to Uncle Albie AND Vicky...what's she up to? This house seems darker
and colder without Vicky. It almost FEELS evil...and I found
something in the basement...it looks as though a string or something
has rubbed away the finish toward the bottom of the handrail. Did
someone tie a string around it to trip Uncle Albie? If so, I don't
think I want to stay here anymore. What's she doing walking around
the hall at 3 in the morning? She's at the door. I'd better go
The diary looks old and worn. The red leather binding covers yellowed
paper. On the first page, you find a name-James Robert Higgins.