If you've been resourceful, your lives counter should be maxed out at
9 at this point. You'll see a lot of Crabs and Pirhana bots in this
jungle. Not to mention vines sturng across branches that act as
bridges over large gaps. You'll also see those cloaker bots, so watch
out for them. At some waterfalls, logs fall down. You must jump from
log to log to get up the waterfall. Sometimes you must jump on
floating logs and run on them to roll them across the river. Watch out
for Pirhana bots. Try to roll underneath them as they are up in the
air. Act 3 is a pretty easy stage as well. From the beginning, go up
and up and up until you stop on one vine where Robotnik will attack
you. He will fly to one side of the vine and drop a cannonball which
will roll along the vine. It will roll all the way across twice and
hen it will stop in the middle and explode. Jump over it as it rolls
the first time and hit Robotnik twice. Then jump over it again and
smack him two more times. As it rolls to a halt in the middle, smack
him two more times. Jump over the next cannonball he drops and hit him
the last two times for a total of eight. His shiip will explode, but
the cannonball will keep rolling, so you'll have to keep jumping until
this second one explodes. Then he'll fly away and you can free the
animals. Chickens and squirrels will jump out this time.
Jungle Zone