"What? Have I ever met who?" asks the aged teacher of the
"Tyler Sandstrom," you reply. "Have you ever met
"Oh, young Sandstrom... Yes, I met him once. It was...three
months ago, shortly before he went missing. Had this aura about him,
like he was destined for great things. He would have made a great
student... Why do you ask?"
"Just curious," you answer quietly. "You can see
"Sometimes, sometimes. I think I saw your aura last night. It
could have been the street light, but now I don't know..." With
that, Myrllin leans back in his chair and silently thinks to himself
for what seems like hours, occasionally muttering something about
"Myrllin," you say, breaking his train of thoughts.
"Could you..."
"Could I what? Speak up, boy."
"Have you ever met him?" you ask.