He snatches your hand and twirls you around, holding you by your
waist. He forceivly lifts your hand towards his mouth. "It
wouldn't happen to be me, would it?" He lifts your hand higher
and bites into your palm, drinking your blood.
You struggle, but he's strong and has a good hold on you, so you arn't
able to get free. Once he was done, he lifted his head and turned it
so that you could see his face. The area around his lips was stained
with blood, your blood.
He smiled misceviously down at you. "So it's true, your blood is
sweeter that most." You drew your head back a little in terror as
you noticed that his head was lowering. "Might I partake from
your neck?"
"Now, now... what seems to have you so worried?" Asks the
being in front of you. You're shocked to find a vampire standing in
front of you. He's not that bad looking either, not model material,
but not bad looking. The most noticable thing about him though, was
his bright red eyes.